Marketing Resources

Here are all the marketing resources I have for you. Enjoy!

CMO Interview Question & JD Template
Free Resource

CMO Interview Question & JD Template

Ask The Right Questions To Hire The Right CMO

Build A Marketing Team (Free Guide)
Free Resource

Build A Marketing Team (Free Guide)

FREE Guide On Building A Digital Marketing Team (With 13 Job Descriptions)

Marketing Budget Template
Free Resource

Marketing Budget Template

A Step By Step Guide To Create A Realistic Digital Marketing Budget

Build A Marketing Strategy
Free Resource

Build A Marketing Strategy

If you're a Founder or a Marketer who's looking to scale your business or company by setting practical, measurable, and feasible goals then this course is for you.

Buyer Persona Template
Free Resource

Buyer Persona Template

Quickly build your customer segments and know who to market

  • Easily add relevant information about your clients
  • A template to follow and get customer insights
  • Easily customizable
Digital Marketing Fundamentals For Beginners
Free Resource

Digital Marketing Fundamentals For Beginners

Do you want to learn digital marketing but don't know where to start? In this case, this course is the best for you. You will be guided with all the basics of digital marketing that will help any novice, aspiring to mid-level digital marketers.


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Hi there! I am just another human who is in love with his work & has a proven record of helping companies grow.